Kamis, 07 Juli 2011


Administration of the modern office:

·      As the whole process of joint venture activities which

       Performed two or more people to achieve the goals specified in the field offices that have the attitude and way of thinking and acting in accordance with the spirit of the age in which its activities are always associated with the handling of data / information.

·      The characteristics of modern office administration is having
       Buildings and the layout is good, using the tools and supplies including meubeleur precise, disciplined the employees perform their duties, have the attitude and way of thinking and acting in accordance with the spirit of the age as well as leverage the cost and administration of an effective, efficient and productive.

Understanding the office:
            Place or room implementation of the activities of collecting, recording, processing, storage, and distribution of data / information. The process of collecting, recording, processing, storage, and distribution of data / information. Means of focusing the activities of administrative, managerial, and facilitative.
management office
            The series of activities to plan, organize, direct, supervise, and control up to the implementation of a case runs orderly. Scope of office management activities not only office activities, but also matters relating to the activities of these offices, among others: the office staff, office costs, procedures, methods of office, and others.
·      Collecting, ie activities that seek out and pursue the availability of any information that had not yet exist or were scattered everywhere, so be ready for use when needed.
·      Noted, namely the activities associated with a variety of stationery required to realize a text easy to read, sent and stored, including the recording equipment.
·      Process, ie various activities to do proofs with the intention that is easy to use.
·      Doubles, ie activities multiply in various ways and means as much as the amount required.
·      Sending, namely the activities delivered by various means and tools from one party to another party.
·      Store, namely the activities put in various ways and means to secure a particular place.

Modern office
Characteristics of the modern office:
·      Buildings have a fine day and spatial.
·      Supplies, equipment / furniture nail on the head.
·      Employees who perform duties with discipline, accountability.
·      Working analytical, systematic, rational, open and democratic.
·      Having an attitude, a way of thinking, acting in accordance perk. Era.
·      Circumvent use & cost effective reply governance, efficient, productive.
·      Basing on the information system.

Office management principles
            Office manager, an executive who must make plans, organize the organization, and conduct oversight of the office most of the work to be performed, as well as leading officials in carrying out their duties. Relations more scientific personnel should be developed through job analysis, training programs, staffing advice and command guidance.
            Records management system should be developed in accordance with the supervision of archives, including eliminating inefficient archiving method, determination of eradication schedule archive, archive search system improvements, and improvement planning office forms.
            Awareness of work, along with the basic concepts of scientific management in the office work should be developed.

1 komentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing this helpful article. It really helped me understand the modern offices and their administration.
    Office Administrator Duties
